
Startups have gained significant attention worldwide for their characteristics and roles in the development of economies. Algeria, like many other countries, has adopted alternative economic policies to achieve development and enhance the national economy. The country encourages creativity, innovation, and economic diversification by promoting the establishment of startups and opening up freedom in the business world. This takes place in a healthy economic environment that aligns with the momentum of developmental and investment activities, providing a real alternative to wealth creation beyond reliance on fossil fuels and economic rent. In this context, Algeria has adopted a new government policy that focuses on creating new mechanisms for establishing startups, supported by institutional, legal, and regulatory frameworks, including the establishment of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and Startups.

Décret  exécutif n° 20-356 du 14 Rabie Ethani 1442 correspondant au 30 novembre 2020 portant création de l’établissement de promotion et gestion des structures d’appui aux start-up et fixant ses missions, son organisation et son fonctionnement.

Décret exécutif n° 20-254 du 27 Moharram 1442 correspondant au 15 septembre 2020 portant création du comité national de labélisation des
« Start-up », des « Projets innovants » et des « Incubateurs » et fixant ses missions, sa composition et son fonctionnement.