Self-employment refers to any natural person who engages individually in a profitable activity falling within the list of qualified activities eligible for benefits under the basic law for self- entrepreneurship, and whose annual business number does not exceed a limit specified by law.
The basic law for self-employment allows young individuals to conduct profitable activities in an organized and legal manner within an official framework, benefiting from social security coverage. Additionally, this law plays a significant role in alleviating the burden on startups, allowing them to invite independent entrepreneurs, enabling the shared use of human resources among different companies, and facilitating the export of some digital services in line with the state’s decision to allow the conversion of all revenues from digital service exports into foreign currencies.
Furthermore, the National Agency for self- entrepreneurship was established to contribute to organizing new economic activities, especially in the digital sector, and fostering a culture of project organization by facilitating youth access to self- entrepreneurship and enhancing their integration into the formal economy. This agency will be responsible for creating and managing the national registry of self-project organizers through the electronic registration platform established for this purpose.