Arbitration rules

​​​​​​​​​​​​CACI’s Center for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (The Center ​) offers businesses, natural and legal persons, public or private companies, an alternative mode of resolving disputes. Disputes can be, depending on the circumstances, subject to the mediation, conciliation or arbitration of the Center , including its new arbitration rules.

The new Center Arbitration Rules were adopted by the Council of CACI on January 7, 2014.

The Center provides, in accordance with its rules of arbitration, the resolution of national and international trade disputes.Arbitration is used if the parties include an arbitration clause in their contracts, or sign an arbitration agreement. If no arbitration clause was included in the contract, after the dispute arose, the parties may agree to entrust their dispute to arbitration through a compromise.By making use of arbitration, the parties may resolve their national or international, trade disputes, in an alternative way to traditional litigation.Arbitration offers the parties the opportunity to choose their own (s) arbitrator (s) or experts and appoint them to settle the dispute within an established deadline.Arbitral awards are recognized and enforced in most countries of the world and that, under the New York Convention, ratified by at least 145 states.


Department of the Legal Affairs and Litigation​

Secretariat of the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Center


Director of the Legal Affairs and Litigation

Responsible for the secretariat of the conciliation, mediation and arbitration center

​​Tel: /​​

Mob: 0660.74.10.02

Fax :​E-mail: deeaj@​​

Effective arbitration rules

​Arbitration rules 2014-CCMA, Eng​