
The amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure by Decree-Law No. 93.09 of 25 April 1993 (Download the code in force in the downloading area at the bottom of page) allowed private and public companies to unambiguously request domestic and international arbitration to resolve their economic and trade disputes.The international arbitration clauses are now inserted in international contracts of our businesses, but often these companies are not able to implement such procedures, especially when they must do so in arbitration Centers of distant countries.

The international arbitration clauses are now brought in international contracts of our businesses, but these companies often are not in position to implement such procedures, especially when they have to do so in far-off countries arbitration Centers.

To enable Algerian companies to take advantage of this method of dispute settlement the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACI) has undertaken several initiatives:

  • Creating an association that must be able to work with the International Chamber of Commerce ((ICC)…
  • The association applied for a membership application to the ICC that was accepted in 2000, giving birth to the   ICC Committee Algeria;
  • Promote arbitration awareness of Algerian companies, including international arbitration, through seminars and symposiums;
  • Establish, within it, a Center for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (Le Centre) using national and international expertise.

The Center ​currently has its own arbitration rules


​Code of Civil and Administrative Proced​ure.