The Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a Training-Action on September 30, October 01 & 02  2024, under the theme: ” Debt Recovery.“The debt recovery training aims to teach participants the techniques and strategies for effectively managing receivables, reducing bad debts, complying with legal requirements, optimizing the company’s cash flow, and maintaining good …

The Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a Training-Action on September 30, October 01 & 02  2024, under the theme: ” Debt Recovery.“The debt recovery training aims to teach participants the techniques and strategies for effectively managing receivables, reducing bad debts, complying with legal requirements, optimizing the company’s cash flow, and maintaining good …

The Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a Training-Action on October 14 and 15, 2024, under the theme: “Internal & External Business Communication.“This training aims to:The objective of the “Internal & External Business Communication” training is to enhance participants’ communication skills within the company (internal) and with external parties (external). Here are the …